category Free Inquiry

Dealing with Setbacks in Fitness

I’ve been struggling to keep up with my free inquiry due to time constraints and an injury to my shoulder that has stuck around since the summertime. Because of this setback, I wanted to look up some ways that I… Continue Reading →

Spin class (round 2 and 3)

I’ve attended 3 spin classes over the last month and enjoyed them a lot — they’re really challenging but each time it gets a little bit easier. Two of these times have been with my education cohort, and it’s so… Continue Reading →

Pickle’s Bluff Hike

I’ve been fairly sick over the last week and a half and I haven’t had much energy to focus on my personal inquiry, but on the long weekend I decided to go on a small hike to keep my activity… Continue Reading →

Spin class

On October 4th I went a spin class at UVic (and Anna from our cohort was the instructor!). Anna made the class super fun and enjoyable, but unfortunately I only managed to stayed on the bike for about 10 minutes…. Continue Reading →


A few weekends ago I went climbing at the Boulder House to start my personal inquiry project. Part of my interest in rock climbing is the physical workout aspect of the activity, but I also am interested in overcoming my… Continue Reading →

Exploring different areas of exercise

Every September, I gradually fall out of my workout routine that I worked hard to establish over the summer due a hectic school schedule. After some thought about what I wanted to focus my personal inquiry on, I decided to… Continue Reading →

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